STCU Over-the-River Air Show

STCU is our 2024 Official Over-the-River Air Show Sponsor!

This thrilling Over-the-River Air Show takes place between 11:00am – 1:00pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Mustang High Flight - A-37 Dragonfly

Mark Peterson – Pilot

Mark started flying at the age of six in a Piper Cherokee Arrow with his father Ed who was a B-24 Liberator pilot during World War II. After returning to civilian life, Ed found ways to keep aviation in his business and personal life. As a result, Mark grew up surrounded by aviation.

Mark soloed at age 16 and received his private pilot’s license at 17. Since then, he has flown over 40 different types of aircraft and accumulated over 6000 hours of flight time and an ATP Certificate.

Owning and flying classic warbirds like the P-51 Mustang, A-37 Dragonfly and Dornier Alpha Jet has been a dream of Mark’s since he was a child. Like many children with the aviation bug, Mark built models and dreamed of flying warbirds one day. In November of 2005, Mark was able to acquire a P-51 Mustang and since then, Mark has accumulated over 1700 hours in warbirds and strengthened his love and admiration for the aircraft.


Brad Wursten – Pilot

Brad Wursten’s obsession with flying started at just 4 years old. He knew he would become a pilot, after riding as a passenger in a plane that was flown by one of his father’s friends above the farmland of Northern Utah. When he was just eight years old, he began building and flying model aircraft near the home where he grew up in Hyde Park, Utah. His Parents, Jerry and Audre recognized Brad’s standout talent and interest in the aviation field and provided many opportunities along the way further develop his skills. The technicality of maneuvering the controls on a remote control airplane, helped him fine tune his skills in real life application. Because of his technical skill level, he’s able to wow spectators at many airshows each year.

A breakout star in the airshow industry, Brad has logged nearly 4000 hours in 50 different types of aircraft. While doing that, he’s earned his private, commercial, multi engine, and instrument ratings. The highlight of Brad’s career has been performing at airshows, and teaching youth about flying. Whether thrilling fans with an insane and jaw dropping airshow display, or pushing the limits on one of his RC airplanes, Brad can usually be found near some kind of aircraft. His airshow performance is jam packed with one-of-a-kind stunts and maneuvers exclusive to his act. As a spectator at one of the events in his airshow circuit, you can expect a high energy display–one that will take you to the edge of your seat.

Harvard Mk4 & Harvard Mk IIb

David Watson & Drew Watson – Yellow Thunder Formation Aerobatic Team

Yellow Thunder is a 2-plane, altitude-unrestricted formation aerobatic demonstration team composed of brothers David Watson & Drew Watson.

They fly formation aerobatic performances in Canada and USA! 

David lives in Beaumont, Alberta with his wife Caroline. David’s day job is running a business marketing software and providing consulting services for the construction design community.

David trained for his pilot’s license in the last Fleet Canuck in the Edmonton Flying Club fleet (C-FEOH) in 1985.   Later that year, he immediately acquired a Harvard endorsement flying his father’s Harvard; the same aircraft he now owns. In 2007, he purchased a Yak-52 aircraft to fly competition aerobatics, winning first place in Sportsman’s category in 2009 – his first contest. David is now a commercial pilot with an IFR rating.

Drew lives in Ponoka, Alberta with his wife, Wendy, and his faithful companion, Knuckles.  Drew’s love of aviation guided him into his second career and is now a professional pilot. His piloting career has given him the opportunity to fly corporate airplanes in Western Canada, pilot warbirds in Hawaii, perform at Airshows, and, currently,  providing hail suppression services in Alberta during the summer and rain enhancement services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the Winter.

Drew purchased his first airplane, a Fleet Canuck, with his brother, David, in 2000 and obtained his private pilot license in the Canuck in 2002.  After purchasing his Harvard in 2006 Drew furthered his career in aviation by obtaining his Commercial Pilot License, in his Harvard, in 2008 and has since accumulated over 3,000 hours in 30 different airplane types.  More recently, Drew has become an ACE (Aerobatic Competency Evaluator), evaluating other airshow professionals.